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PR & Marketing Coordinator

Rachel Dutil

Rachel Dutil

Rachel is a North Country native with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She spent a few years working as a newspaper reporter and copy editor before finding Miner Institute in 2009. As Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator, Rachel not only manages the website, blog, and social media accounts, but also represents Miner Institute in the community and helps to engage with the community through the organization of public events, educational school trips, group tours, and promoting careers in agriculture at local career fairs. Rachel also leads Miner Institute's efforts in giving back to the community through fundraising and volunteering. Additionally, Rachel serves as a trustee for The Alice T. Miner Colonial Collection Museum; is on the Board of Directors for Cornell Cooperative Extension of Clinton County; the Community Advisory Board for Mountain Lake PBS; and the Clinton County Farmland Protection Board.

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